Frances Road Closure Over Butternut Creek


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  November 22, 2024

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Description automatically generatedContact: Alexander Patsy, Director of Engineering

810-767-4920 ext. 252

GCRC Website:


Bridge Closure, Francis Road Bridge over Butternut Creek

Genesee and Thetford Townships, MI


The Genesee County Road Commission will be closing the Frances Road Bridge over the Butternut Creek, located between Genesee Road and Vassar Road, in Genesee and Thetford Townships on Friday, November 22.  The closure length is indefinite as of the date of this transmittal.  The bridge is being ordered closed by GCRC Engineering Department Staff, as the structural elements have deteriorated to a point where routine transit at any loading is unsafe.  If you have questions, please contact Alexander Patsy, Director of Engineering at 810-767-4920 ext. 252 for further details.



Please slow down in work zones, for your family and ours.